ข้อมูลของบทความนี้จะเกี่ยวกับlucky restaurant koh samui หากคุณต้องการเรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับlucky restaurant koh samuiมาสำรวจกันกับPop Asiaในหัวข้อlucky restaurant koh samuiในโพสต์Cheap STREET FOOD in SURIN Thailand 🇹🇭 $2 WAGYU BEEF + Q&Aนี้.

เอกสารที่สมบูรณ์ที่สุดที่เกี่ยวข้องกับlucky restaurant koh samuiในCheap STREET FOOD in SURIN Thailand 🇹🇭 $2 WAGYU BEEF + Q&A


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ภาพถ่ายที่เกี่ยวข้องกับหัวข้อของlucky restaurant koh samui

Cheap STREET FOOD in SURIN Thailand 🇹🇭 $2 WAGYU BEEF  + Q&A
Cheap STREET FOOD in SURIN Thailand 🇹🇭 $2 WAGYU BEEF + Q&A

นอกจากการดูเนื้อหาของบทความนี้แล้ว Cheap STREET FOOD in SURIN Thailand 🇹🇭 $2 WAGYU BEEF + Q&A ติดตามเนื้อหาเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ด้านล่าง right


คีย์เวิร์ดที่เกี่ยวข้องกับlucky restaurant koh samui

#Cheap #STREET #FOOD #SURIN #Thailand #WAGYU #BEEF #QampA.

Street Food,Street Food Thailand,Wagyu Beef,Noodle Soup,Thai Food,Thailand Street Food,Surin,Surin Province,Surin Thailand,Surin Travel,Paddy Doyle,Next Level Adventures,Thailand,Travel in Thailand,Isan THAILAND,Isan Travel,First Impressions of Isan,Foreinger in Thailand,Foreinger in Isan,Issan travel,Issan Food,Isan Travel Vlog,Isan Food,Real Thailand,Unseen Thailand,Unknown Thailand.

Cheap STREET FOOD in SURIN Thailand 🇹🇭 $2 WAGYU BEEF + Q&A.

lucky restaurant koh samui.

หวังว่าค่านิยมบางอย่างที่เรามอบให้จะเป็นประโยชน์กับคุณ ขอบคุณมากสำหรับการติดตามข้อมูลlucky restaurant koh samuiของเรา

28 thoughts on “Cheap STREET FOOD in SURIN Thailand 🇹🇭 $2 WAGYU BEEF + Q&A | lucky restaurant koh samuiเนื้อหาที่เกี่ยวข้องที่แม่นยำที่สุด

  1. Kelly Thompson says:

    I have seriously committed to bingewatchibg the fuck out of your channel.. i love i. Lol..still not caught up but trying ..leaving for bkk on Feb 19th( for the 4th time) lol I hope u r still there when i get there…would love to to meet up …only bc you have helped me soooo much kinda figure out where I want to retire in 10 years lol soo love keep up the good work ….love the rambling and the honesty

  2. mark drewett says:

    Yes Isaan is mostly as flat as a shit carters hat, but some of the nicest, most friendly people you will find are in or from Isaan. You can always go to phuket and enjoy western culture ps not so friendly. As for the Elephants, i spose you could always go to Africa and shoot one. I personally cant stand the thought every time of leaving the country life style of Isaan and heading for the bottle neck rat race of BKK where everyone rushes around every single day. Each to their own.

  3. Ian says:

    you eat meat ,have you seen the way your food is treated ,double standards on this video ,all animals should be treated with respect ,the fact you do not want to see elephants will not change anything,yes i am a vegetarian ,i grew up on a farm ,it was an easy choice for me,stop moaning ,you are living in paradise ,try going to work everyday in this current shit then you can fucking moan,depressed every fucking day in uk with constant government lies

  4. Ashley Bond says:

    Yes, training elephants is a bit cruel, but so is domesticating any animal really (horses literally get 'broken'). There is one category of animal that you mused out that I think elephants fall into, and that is the 'beast of burden'. This includes horses, donkeys, mules, alpaca (in SA), Oxen, sled dogs and, yes, elephants. There are probably others too…

  5. Ben Goschnick says:

    Love the sass, honesty and the humbleness, Paddy. Riding elephants is fucked up! Elephants deserve to roam freely and be protected in the wild by local governments. Thailand is fucking cool, but it has it's downsides like every other country in the world. The questions you answered and your responses reminds me of me, answering loads of questions from people genuinely interested in travel as a novice and trying to find a diplomatic response whilst replying to their questions, trying to educate and not offending. You were in a slump, and we all have our days, and I've had many of those days myself in my time. I loved the Q&A. It shows us your true side. Please do more!

  6. Steve Graham says:

    Paddy, I like your channel. In this episode, you are clearly exhausted and spend a bit of time 'whinging "to use an English term. Not a great look. Your concern for elephants is admirable. In my view, elephants have been beasts of burden for centuries. It occurs to me no one in western culture bemoans the use of horses for the same. After well-meaning activists had the "Tiger Temple" closed 7 months after closure 60% of the Tigers had died. After that, the survival information was kept quiet. The Tigers were transported to unfamiliar environments become stressed and succumbed to a variety of illnesses. The explanation of the concerned "experts" for the demise of the cats, was to blame the Tiger's genetics and the Monks. Well-meaning people were, in this case, the worst thing for the Tiger's survival. I even recall people saying the Tigers should be released into the wild. As for elephants, in Asia’s remote monsoon forest communities, elephants are lifelines, providing a means for earning a living through logging and a method for transporting people and goods through difficult, frequently flooded terrain. This mutually beneficial alliance has allowed elephants to eke out survival in one of the most densely populated regions of the world. Maybe go observe that? I have been invited but I haven't made the time. Are the elephants unhappy? If the elephant owners can no longer earn a living with their elephants, what will happen to them? Think it through. The elephants cannot be released into the wild.

  7. Bob Juniel says:

    What happens when you build your dream home with a plot of market garden,chickens and fish pond, close to your teaching employment, and years down the track your Thai partner dies? The land is your partner's, and in Thailand you cannot by law own Thai land. Where do you put your home? Retirement in Thailand is a cruel confidence trick. Eventually you are thrown off the land. You can pay for land in Thailand but you cannot own land in Thailand.

  8. ian 150 says:

    Interesting. I am sort of the polar opposite. I have spent a lot of time in Isaan. I have never been to Phuket or seen any thing of South Thailand. I do want to to be sure to sure . By comparison to the south, Isaan is vastly different almost another country and since it used to belong to Laos it actually is . I love it though and feel at home there . Enjoy enjoy Paddy doing what makes your trip the best.

  9. Albrits Myburgh says:

    Paddy, your episodes are getting more and more difficult to watch. It is all about you and not the content. If this is all so difficult and boring, drop it and go back teaching. Maybe this is not for you. Or get ms P to join you, but your videos left me drained and negative. And I have been to Isan. It is a beautiful place with awesome people, nature and food. You are not doing it justice. And the last thing, about the elephants, we are just not interrested in your uneducated opinions.
